There are two new exciting courses at the Scheller College of Business for Spring 2014 that are open to all majors and Juniors/Seniors only. These courses are being taught by the Director of the new Center for Business Strategies and Sustainability, Professor Howard Connell.

MGT 4803 – Innovation for Sustainability – No prerequisites
Highlights: innovation, design thinking, solutions development, ideation, business model development, sustainability, solving environmental and social challenges.

This course will guide you through a systematic process for idea generation, refinement, selection, and business model development to positively impact a socially or environmentally related challenge.

Course Objectives
  • Learn a process- and design-thinking approach to idea generation and business model design
  • Integrate knowledge from class, other courses, personal experience, and research to define and refine a business model using the business model canvass concept
  • Develop understanding of the trade-offs between economic, environmental, and social objectives and how to refine business models that take the “Triple Bottom Line” into account
  • Hone research and synthesis skills through in-depth environmental/social impact analysis of a specific idea to solve a specific problem
  • Further develop your communication skills including writing and presenting information clearly and succinctly for impact and influence

MGT 4803 – Business Consulting Projects - Prerequisites: MGT 4102 (Management Consulting) or MGT3150 (Principles of Management for non-business majors)
Highlights: real-world projects with leading companies in a consulting team environment. Consulting skills: project planning, project management, team and client dynamics, analysis, presentation and communication. Sustainability basics, analysis frameworks, new trends.

This course will help you gain a strong, working knowledge of:
  • The evolving ways firms approach sustainability
  • How to apply a core set of frameworks to a business or industry
  • A set of tools and processes to analyze and solve business issues in a team environment in an organization.
Using these consulting skills and sustainability know-how, you will apply this learning by solving a real problem for a company in a consulting team environment, made up of your peers and engaging regularly with your project sponsor at the company.
For those of you interested in working in areas related to sustainability during your careers, this class will help you gain critical knowledge and skills towards that goal. For others it will offer a valuable set of consulting skills and give you a strong point of view on sustainability, a subject of increasing importance across all functions and industries. This course should prove valuable for business majors as well as those across engineering, public policy, the sciences, and more.

Register now or contact Professor Howard Connell, Director of the new Center for Business Strategies for Sustainability, with any questions. 404-385-4884.

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