COB Management Classes

Posted by Admin On 11:59:00 AM
Non-CoB majors should consider: While most CoB classes are closed to non-majors at this time, non-CoB students should consider taking any of the following CoB classes that are currently open to all non-majors (descriptions of these are below): MGT 3000, 3150, 3078, 4191, and 4670.

Date that CoB classes open to non-majors: CoB classes will open to non-CoB students on Monday, November 11 at 9 a.m. While a few classes will be still be restricted to CoB majors, most will open to non-majors on this date.

Overloads and Permits: The CoB does not issue overloads. We open all our seats during registration and we have a first-Come, first-serve approach to our classes, encouraging students to register early to secure their classes. Please advise your students that they should not approach CoB professors for overloads since CoB professors are not authorized to overload students into their classes. Many of our classes open again in Phase II as students start to drop classes.
Pre-reqs: We do not waive pre-reqs on CoB classes. Fortunately, very few of our intro classes have pre-reqs. The pre-reqs that exist on our classes have been assigned by the faculty and are fundamental to success in the course. Please advise students not to approach CoB professors about waiving pre-reqs.

Change of Major: The remaining change of major meetings for this semester are listed at: Please ask your students who are considering changing majors to Business Administration to attend one of the remaining meetings. We will not meet with non-CoB students during registration since we need to focus our advising time on current CoB students.

For classes that Non-CoB students should consider taking, click on Read More.
Classes Non-CoB students should consider:

The following classes are open to all students on campus at this time.

MGT 3000 - Financial & Managerial Accounting (no pre-reqs)A foundation course in measuring and reporting the financial performance and status of the firm as well as basic concepts in cost and managerial accounting. No credit allowed for MGT 3000 and ACCT 2101. No credit allowed for MGT 3000 and ACCT 2102. No credit for Scheller College of Business majors.

MGT 3078 – Finance & Investments (no pre-reqs)

An introduction to finance and to the securities markets. Topics include: time value of money, risk and return, capital budgeting, security analysis and portfolio management of stocks, bonds, and derivatives. Credit not allowed for MGT 3078 and MGT 3062. Credit not allowed for MGT 3078 and MGT 3076. No credit for Scheller College of Business majors.

MGT 3150 – Principles of Management (no pre-reqs)

Course explores functions of management; planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Lectures, case studies, and business exercises are used to reinforce principles that are taught. No credit allowed for MGT 3150 and 3101. No credit for Scheller College of Business majors.

MGT 4191 - Entrepreneurship Forum (no pre-reqs)

This course is an entry-level course in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management providing a broad overview of Entrepreneurship and what it takes to successfully start and run a business. Central to the course is the opportunity for students to meet, listen to, and interact with entrepreneurs and business leaders in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors and to be exposed to real life “lessons learned” from individuals with credibility and thought-provoking life experiences. Upon completion, the student will have a basic understanding of what it takes to start a business, develop a business concept and feasibility study, and determine whether they have an interest in further studies in the entrepreneurial field.

MGT 4670 - Entrepreneurship (MGT 3300 and ACCT 2101 or MGT 3000 pre-reqs)This course provides an introduction to the process of establishing a technology-based new venture, and examines the entrepreneurial approach to business development and growth. The learning experience is designed to expose students to the entrepreneurial process of new venture creation with a focus on technology entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is viewed in this course as long-term value creation. Accordingly, the course will focus on a study of the activities associated with the assessment, creation, development, and successful operation of high potential new and emerging ventures. Course participants, working in a small team environment, will have the opportunity to develop their new venture management skills through a combination of classroom exercises, case analysis, and existing business plan analysis; and through the development of a detailed opportunity analysis and venture business plan.

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