Diversity Week 2011

Posted by Admin On 2:06:00 PM
Diversity Week 2011: A Latitude Adjustment begins on Monday, November 7, 2011. 

This week-long series of events, sponsored by the Office of Diversity Programs, offers students the opportunity to attend many fascinating presentations and lectures about diversity both on and off campus.

Please click "Read More" for a full list of events...

Monday, November 7
11:00 – Noon; Student Services 117
Student Affairs’ Approach to Developing a Multicultural Competence Strategic Plan
This program will provide an overview of the Multicultural Competence Strategic Plan in current development for the Division of Student Affairs.  An overview of the strategic plan will be provided and the process for engaging participants in developing the plan will be highlighted as a model for developing a multicultural strategic plan for other departments and divisions at Tech.
Presenters: Dr. Ruperto Perez - Counseling Center & Stephanie Ray – Diversity Programs

1:00 – 3:00 PM; Student Center 301
Micro-Inequities (The Power of Small Slights)
During this interactive workshop, participants will become more aware of the significant impact their words and actions (as well the “little things” they intentionally or unintentionally do) have on other people, begin dealing with micro-inequities in a forum where they are safely brought to the forefront for discussion, and develop skills/strategies to send more constructive messages, and respond more effectively to negative messaging that can undermine their success.
Presenters: Dr. Archie Ervin – Vice President for Institute Diversity  & Cheryl Cofield, J.D. , Pearl Alexander, J.D. – Human Resources

Tuesday, November 8
Noon – 1PM; Clough 125
Can White People Talk About Race?
This interactive panel discussion focuses on engaging and connected conversations about race. Panelist will also discuss what is missing from conversations regarding race and ethnicity. Refreshments will be served.
Panelists: Dr. Nelson Binggeli, Christina Noble, Eckart Werther – Counseling Center & Andre Dickens – OMED

6:00 PM; Student Center Theatre
Dinner and a Movie, “Arranged: Friendship has no Religion”
ARRANGED centers on the friendship between an Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn.
Sponsored by the Jewish Student Union & the Muslim Student Association

Wednesday, November 9
11:00 AM – Noon; Student Center 321
Embracing All Your Attributes
When it comes to looks, race, interests, areas of expertise, how do we embrace diverse aspects of our personas, and stop feeling we have to put ourselves in one "box" as women?  Shigley will share several case studies of famous women she interviewed from her book, The Go-Getter Girl's Guide, and how embracing the diversity within themselves impacted their career paths.
Guest Presenter – Debra Shigley, J.D. – mom, wife, author, attorney & fashion editor

1:00 – 3:00 PM; Student Services 117
Creating your I3 Toolbox: A Workshop Examining Identities, Intersections, and Inclusion
Intersectionality allows us to recognize and understand that people have multiple, layered identities derived from personal and social relationships, history, and systems of power. People belong to many communities at the same time, and as a result, experience both privilege and oppression simultaneously. Using interactive discussion and activities we will explore the ways that privilege and oppression operate in our personal and professional lives.  Together we will identify intersectional approaches to leadership, advocacy, programming, and interactions with one another that will strengthen our work and contribute to creating a more inclusive Georgia Tech community.
Presenter: Melanie DeMaeyer – Women’s Resource Center

5:00 PM; Student Center 301
Social Justice 101 and Student Leaders: Knowing Yourself, Your Community, and How You Can Affect Change
This program will introduce student leaders to the concept of social justice, diversity and difference at Georgia Tech.  Students will begin first by learning the main areas of difference recognized by the Institute.  Additionally, they will examine their own identity, dominate and subordinate identities and socialized behavior in relation to difference.  Students will then consider why social justice is important for establishing and supporting a vibrant and healthy community at the Institute and beyond.  Finally, they will discuss how they as leaders can impact change.
Presenter: Chris Schmidt – Office of Student Integrity

Thursday, November 10
11:00 AM; Clough Commons 205, U G Studies Resource Room
This I Believe with Billiee Pendleton-Parker
The presenter will give an overview of a specific topic that has meaning to them, after which participants will break into small groups to discuss.  All students, faculty, and staff are welcome and highly encouraged to attend to discuss their own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and life experiences.
Sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Studies

2:00 – 3:00 PM; Student Center 301
Passing and Privilege
This presentation will address issues of privilege and passing, and facilitate critical dialogue around the seen and unseen identities.
Presenters: Christina Noble, Eckart Werther & Franco Dispenza – Counseling Center

8:00 PM
Georgia Tech vs. Virginia Tech; GO JACKETS!

Friday, November 11
Noon – 2PM; Student Center 301
Safe Space Training Part II
The main objectives of this program are to inform members of our community on how to provide a more supportive environment for LGBTQ members of the campus community, to dispel negative stereotypes and present factually accurate information about members of LGBTQ community, and to publicize other support resources or structures that are available on and off campus. Participants must have completed Safe Space I. R.S.V.P. at www.diversityprograms.gatech.edu.

Saturday, November 12
6:30 PM; Carter Center
The Georgia Tech Black Alumni Organization’s Legends and Leaders Black Tie Celebration
This milestone event marks the culmination of a yearlong celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the integration of Georgia Tech in 1961 and helps GTBAO to raise funds to support the next generation of Tech students. This is a ticketed Event, and for more information visit www.gtblackalumni.org.

For more information call the Office of Diversity Programs at 404-894-2561 or TDD 404-894-1664. Please let the sponsors know if you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in these programs. For a detailed description of these programs visit www.diversityprograms.gatech.edu

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