Welcome to the blog for the School of History and Sociology (HSOC) at Georgia Tech. This page will help you keep up with events happening in HSOC, provide advising information for current students, inform you of upcoming recruiting events for prospective students, and share news with our HSOC alums.

Want more information? Click on the "Contact Us" tab to the right or use the "Live Chat" function.

Sponsored by The Fund for American Studies, Capital Semester combines substantive internships, 12 academic credits, career development activities, site briefings and lectures led by policy experts. This fast-paced, fifteen-week residential program provides undergraduate students from around the world with opportunities to gain the edge in today’s competitive job market and graduate school admissions, and experience the excitement of Washington first-hand.

  • Aerospace Industries Association
  • American Legislative Exchange Council
  • Children’s Rights Council
  • Congressional Offices
  • First Book
  • Foreign Embassies
  • Institute for World Politics
  • New Leaders for New Schools
  • Philanthropy Roundtable
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • U.S. Department of Justice
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Internships – Competitive placements with government agencies, congressional offices, public policy groups, international affairs organizations and nonprofit organizations
  • Housing – Roommate matching and f urnished Capitol Hill apartments in the heart of D.C.
  • Classes – Classes ? Full-time course load in political science and economics accredited by the DC metro area's George Mason University
  • Guest Lectures – With Washington’s top policy and economics experts
  • Exclusive Briefings – At the World Bank, State Department, U.S. Capitol and Federal Reserve
  • Leadership & Professional Development – Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
  • Networking – Interaction with seasoned professionals and student leaders from around the world
  • Scholarships – Generous scholarships are awarded based on merit and financial need
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until through November 15, 2012. For more information and an online application, please visit our website www.DCInternships.org/CS or contact Dana Faught, Recruitment and Admissions Manager at dfaught@tfas.org or 202-986-0384.

Laura Bier profiled in Chronicle

Posted by Admin On 3:16:00 PM 0 comments
Laura Bier is the subject of an amazing profile in the current online edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education. Click on the link below to enjoy news about how she is spending her Fulbright year in Egypt. http://chronicle.com/article/Tracing-Modern-Egypt/135406/

You're Invited!

Interested in the Ivan Allen College Ambassador Program?
Interested in the Ivan Allen College Student Advisory Board?

Grab some coffee, a donut and chat with current members about these awesome student programs and how to apply! 
Tuesday, October 30th
Clough Commons Area

New membership comes only once a year.

The following are two new courses being offered Spring 2013.  If you are interested, please contact Dr. Johnny Smith at john.smith@hts.gatech.edu. You can also ask about Georgia Tech's new Sports, Society, and Technology Program!

HTS 3823 - Foundations of Sports Studies
This course is designed to teach students about the social, cultural, and economic importance of sports.!Students will learn about sport as a mass cultural phenomenon and its relationship with education, the economy, technology, families, communities, politics, and the media.! We will consider how race, gender, class, and ethnicity have shaped sporting experiences.! If you have a serious interest in studying sports and culture or have thought about a career in sports, you will enjoy this class.

HTS 2813 - History of Sports in America
In this course we will examine the American sporting experience from the colonial period through the 21st century. We will focus especially on the rise of organized sports institutions and how race, class, gender, ethnicity, and religion have shaped the relationship be- tween sport and society. Students will learn about the history of boxing, baseball, basketball, auto racing, horse racing, tennis, golf, college athletics, and the modern Olympic games. The main goal of the course is to use sports as a tool to better understand American history and how sports have shaped American culture.

Homer Rice Award Recipients

Posted by Admin On 2:17:00 PM 0 comments

Congratulations to the Homer Rice Award recipients who attended a luncheon hosted by Dr. Rice at the Capital City Club this past Friday for alumni of his Leadership Fitness Program. The students who received awards were introduced at the start of the lunch. President Peterson and his wife Val also attended.

The award recipients are Elizabeth Haven Hawley, Jennifer Green, Nathan Moon, Angel Callahan, John Miller (accompanied by his wife Jane) and Les Leighton.

"When Do Millennial Religious Movements Become Politically Revolutionary?"  Dr. Larry Foster will be the featured speaker today for the Fall 2012 Speaker Series.

Interested in Animal Welfare?

Posted by Admin On 3:23:00 PM 0 comments
Join the Georgia Tech Animal Welfare Association!  Meetings are held bi-weekly and focus on topics such as spay/neuter, rescuing animals from euthanasia in shelters, and the management of feral cats on campus.  The next meeting is Tuesday, October 30th.

Language Lessons Told Through Twitter?

Posted by Admin On 10:16:00 AM 0 comments
The BBC published an article on the importance of social media as a valuable tool for for linguists. A study on how slang expressions spread through social media, like twitter, offers insight into how language changes and evolves, a general question in linguistics. To read the full article visit the BBC website at: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20121025-language-lessons-from-twitter .

Georgia Teaching Fellows is part of The New Teacher Project (TNTP) and works to meet the needs of schools in Metro Atlanta, the Augusta area, and in Southwest Georgia:

  • Metro Atlanta: Fulton County and Atlanta Public Schools
  • Augusta area: Burke and Richmond counties
  • Southwest Georgia: Dougherty, Meriwether, and Muscogee counties
Placement location for corps members depends upon the current needs of the school districts. Individuals teach in a specific subject area. Teaching Fellows must complete the state-approved TNTP Academy requirements to obtain teacher certification.

For more information, visit: http://georgiateachingfellows.ttrack.org/HowToApply/ApplicationProcess.aspx
Application Deadline is October 29.

Today: Math & Science Education

Posted by Admin On 9:51:00 AM 0 comments
Math and Science Education: The Injustice and the Opportunity: October 29th from 7 to 8 PM EST. Only 50 percent of students growing up in low-income communities will have a math or science teacher who has a major or minor in the field they are teaching. These students' math and science skills lag far behind those of their higher-income peers. Corps members, alumni, and faculty in math and sciences will talk about the opportunity math and science majors have to help solve this inequality in math and science education. Register here.

Spring 2013 New CoE Course!

Posted by Admin On 9:36:00 AM 0 comments

“Introduction to the Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Revolution”
CoE 3002
Spring 2013 / T-Th 4:35-5:55pmJohn D. CresslerKen Byers Professor

Want to take an interesting and memorable elective unlike any course you have had at Tech? Sure you do!
Consider: CoE 3002, “Introduction to the Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Revolution”

Spring 2013, Tu/Th 4:35-5:55pm

CoB Room 221, in Tech Square

Who is Teaching it?

Dr. John D. Cressler
Ken Byers Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Is he any good?
He has received Georgia Tech’s Top Teaching Award (check out his TEDx talk on his web site)

What pre-requisites do I need?
If you graduated high school then you’re good to go! This course is open to all GT students.

What book is used?
Cressler’s Silicon Earth. Like no textbook you have ever read. Check out the content on his web site, or reviews on Amazon.
Not positive how this CoE elective fits your degree requirements?
Contact your home department.

Click on Read more for more information! 

Kerry Swarr visited the campus during the Spring semester to convey that the Urban Teacher Center is interested in Tech students, particularly in liberal arts, who are interested in teaching careers. A webinar will be held on October 29, 2012, at 9pm for any who are interested in applying to the program.

Link to webinar information: http://www.urbanteachercenter.org/events/webinar-overview-utc-program-interested-applicants-october-29-2012-9pm-est

Visit the Urban Teacher Center website for more information.

Representatives from Emory Rollins School of Public Health, UGA College of Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control Public Health Associate Program will be present. Come learn more about career opportunities in the field of global public health and disaster management and humanitarian assistance.
Date: Thursday, Nov 1
Time: 6pm
Location: Clough Lounge

Research Mentor for SABUR Meeting Today

Posted by Admin On 9:23:00 AM 0 comments
The Student Activities Board for Undergraduate Research (SABUR) has a freshman HTS major interested in being paired with an upperclassman HTS major who has conducted undergraduate research. The time commitment is very small and there will be a mentoring kick-off meeting on Monday, October 29th, at 5pm. If anyone is interested, please contact Silvia Vaca: svaca3@gatech.edu

Research Option Info Session

Posted by Admin On 10:43:00 AM 0 comments
The Office of Undergraduate Research is hosting a Research Option information session on Thursday, November 1 in the Student Center, Room 320. Please encourage your students to attend.  For more information, visit:  http://www.undergradresearch.gatech.edu/research_option/

President's Update

Posted by Admin On 10:32:00 AM 0 comments
President Peterson will share an update on Georgia Tech and the many excting things happening around campus. This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and meet the Institute’s President!

Date: October 26
Time: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Global Learning Center, Room 236, Technology Square
Who is Invited: Entire GT Community
Cost: Free
Parking Information: Parking is available in the Tech Square Parking Deck for $1.50 per hour.
Invitation Only: No

Registration Information: Registration now:https://gtalumni.org/registrations/homecoming/responses/new

Sponsored By: GT Alumni Association
URL: http://www.gthomecoming.gatech.edu/presidents-update

Joint Degree B.S. / M.A.T. Option

Posted by Admin On 10:30:00 AM 0 comments
The joint B.S. / M.A.T. program is a partnership between Georgia Tech and Georgia State University. The program allows eligible undergraduates to take six hours (6) of graduate level coursework which apply towards an undergraduate degree at Tech and a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree at Georgia State. The program enables a student to start graduate school with six credit hours, which saves time and money. A Master of Arts in Teaching leads to certification to teach in the state of Georgia as well as a higher degree. Applicants can apply for early acceptance into a Georgia State M.A.T. program. http://www.preteaching.gatech.edu/node/32

For more information Click on Read More

If you don't know, TEDxGeorgiaTech is an all day event where 100 attendees get together and listen to speakers gathered locally from Atlanta talk about bold issues and ideas. Our theme this year is Live for an Idea. As such, our 8 speakers this year will be talking about the ideas they live for, how, and why they do it. This is THE opportunity to network with leaders in the Atlanta community as well as other students interested in spreading ideas. If you're one to be fascinated and compelled by huge ideas across all topics of interests then this is an event you really cannot miss! Register for the event at
WWW.TEDXGEORGIATECH.COM, which is on November 17.

P.S. Lunch and refreshments will also be served to quell your college student hunger!
We hope to see you there!

France-Atlanta Events at GT Kick-Off

Posted by Admin On 10:11:00 AM 0 comments
This fall, members of the Tech community will have an opportunity to learn more about French culture — without having to spring for a trip across the Atlantic. 

The Consulate General of France in Atlanta and Georgia Tech will jointly host “France-Atlanta 2012: Together Towards Innovation,” from 
Oct. 25 through Nov. 10, which will feature 15 events that highlight scientific, business, cultural and humanitarian efforts. This is the third consecutive year that the program is being offered.

“It is tremendously gratifying to see how France-Atlanta has stimulated dialogue, idea exchange and collaborative actions between France and the United States,” said Denis Barbet, the new Consul General of France. “I look forward to another successful event.”

The following events are open to the public and will be held on the Tech campus:
Georgia Tech-Lorraine/CNRS UMI International Network in Robotics and Optoelectronics for Automotive Applications
Oct. 26, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
MaRC Auditorium

Nuclear Workshop: Post-Fukushima Nuclear Renaissance
Oct. 29, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Room 1116, Marcus Nanotechnology Building

Sustainable Airport Area International Seminar
Oct. 30, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Oct. 31, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Lobby Level, LeCraw Auditorium (Tech Square)

The Fight Against Urban Poverty, a Priority in Both France and the United States
Nov. 6, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Technology Square Research Building Auditorium

For more about these and the other France-Atlanta events, click here.

Teach for Georgia is a grant from the Georgia Race to the Top Innovation Fund and a great opportunity for Tech students and recent graduates who are interested in teaching. The state currently is experiencing a critical shortage of qualified teachers in secondary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. The shortage is particularly profound in rural areas. As a Georgia Tech student or alum, you are among the most highly qualified in the STEM fields and are able to help alleviate this problem. You can have the chance to have a positive influence on the lives of students by teaching a STEM subject in a rural Georgia high school for two years. Quality education should be accessible to all students regardless of socio-economic status or location.
Information session will be on November 1 in the Clough Commoms room 323.


The deadline for submitting applications for the Georgia State Noyce Scholarship is October 30.  Students interested in pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in secondary Science for grades 6-12 should apply.  For more information, visit: http://www.preteaching.gatech.edu/node/26

M.A.T. program application deadline for Kennesaw State for Spring 2013 is November 1. This program is for grades 6-12. For more information, visit: https://education.kennesaw.edu/gac/

The applications for the 2013-2014 David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships are now available at www.borenawards.org.

Boren Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where they can add important international and language components to their educations.

Information Session:
Date: Thursday, November 1 at 5:30 PM
Location: Clough 325

Click on Read More for more information.

Workshop on Stress Reduction

Posted by Admin On 10:10:00 AM 0 comments

This workshop will help participants develop skills in recognizing and changing thought patterns that cause unnecessary stress and suffering. These skills are based on the principles of cognitive therapy, which have been shown to be effective in reducing stress and increasing well-being.
Thursday October 25, 2012
11:00 am
Klaus Advanced Computing; Conference Room 1315

Check out this article that was published in Inside Higher Ed. This is a good opportunity for the School of HTS to engage in discussion and promote our unique approach to liberal arts!


The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation is  now accepting applications for 2013 spring internships.

Erasmus Mundus Fellowship Program - European Master's Degree Fellowships

Date: October 23
Time: 4:00 P.M., 

Location: Clough 205, 

The Erasmus Mundus program offers scholarships to non-EU students for master’s (130 programs) and PhD (30 programs) in Europe in a wide variety of disciplines. Students study in at least two EU universities. Application deadlines for 2013-2014 are in December and January. The program is open to US citizens and international students.

This information session will be presented by Georgia Tech alum, Janae Futrell, who graduated with a M.Arch. from Georgia Tech in 2007. She was awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship during 2009-2011 and earned an MSc degree in Germany and Spain. She has been working as an architect and city planner for the International Red Cross (Asia Pacific Region), Caritas Germany (Haiti) and John Portman and Associates (Atlanta). She currently works at the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) as a project manager.

2013 JET Program Applications Available

Posted by Admin On 10:29:00 AM 0 comments
2013 Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program applications are now available.  A large portion of applications each year are incomplete because applicants do not take the time to fully read and carefully follow all directions provided.  Please complete the following steps to apply for the 2013 JET Program:
  • Go to: http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JET/
  • Read the 2013 Application Guidelines carefully before beginning the application
  • Gather supplemental materials. Information for these items is available on the Required Documents page.
  • Apply online and be sure to fill out the application completely. You must hit the “Submit” button or your application will not be considered. The application is available here.
  • Print your application and fill in the appropriate information on the Authorization and Release Form.
  • Sign the Main Application, the Authorization and Release Form, and the Self-Assessment Medical Form which are all produced via the online portion of the application.
  • Sort all documents into three complete sets according to the Checklist and Mailing Instructions.
Send all documents to the JET Program Office at the Embassy of Japan at the address below. All documents must be received before 5:30pm EST on Wednesday, November 21, 2012. Applications may be mailed or hand-delivered to:

JET Program Office
Embassy of Japan
2520 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008

Helpful hint: If you have recently visited the website, be sure to hit the “refresh” button when checking the latest updates so that your browser does not draw on cached pages rather than the newly updated pages.

Prospective applicants are welcome to apply to join The Washington Center for some upcoming online information sessions, which will cover TWC's application, financial aid, and internship selection processes. Anyone interested in participating can visit our website to learn about specific dates/times, RSVP to receive login details, and eventually view recorded versions. The first session kicks off today, October 23. 

There will also be an online information session for liaisons on October 31, 2012 at 2 p.m. EST. The session will cover some of the topics that were discussed during TWC's fall Liaison Advisory Board meeting. Please reply to Sara Clement at sara.clement@twc.edu to receive login details for that session.  Don't hesitate to be in touch with questions or concerns.

CETL Course Availability

Posted by Admin On 10:17:00 AM 0 comments
Students have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the science of teaching (pedagogy) by taking two free elective courses through the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL). Both courses are 3 credit hours and may be used as free electives towards a B.S. degree with department approval. Students must have sophomore standing to take either course.

CETL 4001: Principles of Teaching and Learning I (permit required) Spring 2013 offerings (TWO): *Additional section: Tuesday/Thursday 8:05 -9:25 (Noyes) or Tuesday 3:05 -5:55 (Evans)
  • This 3 credit hour course is an introduction to the science of learning. Students will learn the basics about educational theory and psychology, instructional design, delivery techniques, and child development. The course focuses on knowledge and skills necessary for effective classroom instruction. Students will explore what it means to be a teacher in K - 12 environments and participate in various activities that help participants decide if teaching is an attractive career path. This course prepares students for the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) Professional Pedagogy tests.
CETL 4803 PR: Principles of Teaching and Learning II (pre-requisite: CETL 4001) (permit required) Thursday 3:05 -4:25 (Anderson)
  • This 3 credit hour course is a continuation of CETL 4001. In addition to class meetings, students are required to spend approximately three hours per week visiting and observing classes within a school. This course also helps participants determine if teaching is an attractive career path. This course prepares students for the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) Professional Pedagogy tests.
Permit requests and schedule of classes are available from the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL).

For questions, email Susan Belmonte at susan.belmonte@cetl.gatech.edu  or visit the website 

Lauren Burtz Guest Tweeter @GTStudents

Posted by Admin On 10:12:00 AM 0 comments
Lauren Burtz, an HTS major, is the guest tweeter this week at @GTStudents. 
She'll give a behind-the-scenes look at Homecoming. She's a committee member and a member of GT Goldrush. 

Follow her and the events here: 

Today: HTS Speaker Series Talk on Russia

Posted by Admin On 12:30:00 PM 0 comments
The HTS Fall 2012 Speakers Series will host Nikolay Koposov (Johns Hopkins University) on Monday 10/22 from 4.00 - 5.30 PM in Old Civil Engineering, Room 104.  The title of the talk is "Putin, Historical Memory, and the Logic of Democracy."  All are welcome to attend.

On Friday, April 19, 2013, we’ll celebrate Georgia Tech’s 16th annual Earth Day Celebration. The celebration is one of the most highly anticipated campus events of the spring semester. The event is free and open to the public and features 70 exhibitors, eco-friendly giveaways, recycling opportunities, a clothing swap, an office supply exchange, live music, a green market, free organic popcorn and more. With an annual participation of more than 3,000 people, ours is one of the largest Earth Day celebrations in the southeast.
If you are interested in joining the Earth Day Planning Committee, please join us on Tuesday, October 23 (11 a.m. to noon) in the Crescent Room at the Student Center Commons.

Watch the presidential debate with friends and classmates tonight and be ready to vote on November 6. Hosted by Wreck the Vote, Student Center Programs Council, Student Government Association and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Monday October 22, 2012
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Student Center Theater

The Tower Undergraduate Research Journal will hold its 5th Undergraduate Research Kaleidoscope this week. There is also room for 3-5 presentations, but spots are filling up quickly! If you are interested in presenting at the URK, please visit gttower.org/urk to submit your application to present. All presentations must be in pecha kucha format (20 slides, each slide set to advance automatically after 20 seconds).

Presentations must be designed to emphasize the importance of your field of research rather than specific results. As such, your project does not need to be complete for you to present. Additionally, all presentations must be intelligible by an audience unfamiliar with your field.  There will be catered food and prizes for the best presentations! We encourage all of you to come out, listen to your fellow undergraduate researchers, eat food, and de-stress!  The Tower also will celebrate the release of its fourth printed edition.

Tuesday October 23, 2012
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Rooftop Terrace, Clough Commons
Free food!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Michael Bonifacio, the Business Manager of The Tower, at michaelbonifacio@me.com or call at 912.657.9606!

NSSP Leadership Conference

Posted by Admin On 9:59:00 AM 0 comments

Sophomore Summit Annual Leadership Conference registration is now available!

New Student and Sophomore Programs is excited to announce that registration for our annual Sophomore Summit leadership conference is now open.
The conference will be held Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 10. Cost for the conference is $20, which include three meals (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch) as well as a Sophomore Summit 2012 t-shirt. 

Visit our website for more details and the registration form:http://nssp.gatech.edu/plugins/content/index.php?id=31. Registration for closes Monday, November 5th at 5 p.m.

Click on Read More for more information!

Registration for this years Women's Leadership Conference closes on Friday, October 26th.  

The Women’s Leadership Conference is an annual gathering several hundred female students, faculty, staff, alumni, and local businesswomen that exists as an opportunity to inspire and prepare these women to become strong leaders and equal partners in the community. The two-day conference offers fifteen workshops, three keynote speakers, networking opportunities, and the Gail DiSabatino Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony. This year WLC celebrates the 15th annual conference with the theme “Horizons.”

Visit the Women's Center website for more information: www.womenscenter.gatech.edu

Teddy Roosevelt Visits Dr. Usselman!

Posted by Admin On 9:15:00 AM 0 comments
Here's a great reason never to miss a class!  President Theodore Roosevelt visited Dr. Steve Usselman's HTS 3083 class this past Friday.  He stopped by the class on his way to the Georgia Tech Advisory Board at its semi-annual luncheon, at which Dr. Usselman was the guest speaker.  Teddy Roosevelt was introduced at the end of the talk on innovation at Georgia Tech.  The talk moved back in time using presidential visits to the University as touchstones.  The last time the former president was at Georgia Tech was on October 20, 1905.

Teddy Roosevelt was also spotted later in the evening at the GTAB reception and banquet.

Five PhD students in the School of History, Technology, and Society (HTS) travelled to Copenhagen, Denmark to attend the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) with an invitation to serve as support staff at the conference. Four of the students also presented papers.

Angel Callahan, Emily Gibson, Brian Jirout, John Miller, and Peter Westin arrived early to assist the staff of SHOT’s Executive Secretariat in handling the bulk of administrative work for the event. The students presenting papers were:

  • Angel Callahan: "Talking About the Weather: Postwar Science and Cold War Internationalism, 1955-1964"
  • Brian Jirout: "Environment, Remote Sensing and the Production of Compartamentalized User Communities, 1059-1978"
  • John Miller: "Potent Signals: The Electro-Magnetic Telegraph and the Impact on the American Civil War"
  • Peter Westin: "How Green was the Flag? The Maturation of Motorsports' Relationship with Automobility and the Environment"
The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) is dedicated to the historical study of technology and its relations with politics, economics, labor, business, the environment, public policy, science, and the arts. Founded in 1958, the society now numbers around 1,500 members. John Krige, professor in the School of History, Technology, and Society, serves on SHOT’s Executive Council.

Funding for HTS travel to participate in this conference was through a combination of funds from SHOT, HTS, the Dean of the Ivan Allen College, and the Student Government Association.

Apply for Match Corps

Posted by Admin On 10:09:00 AM 0 comments
The Match Corps is a one-year, full-time professional tutoring fellowship in Massachusetts (Boston and Lawrence) where elite college graduates work intensively with students in small groups (1:1 or 2:1). Corps members not only provide academic support, but also build strong, meaningful relationships with students and families.

Match Corps members are high-achievers with a relentless work ethic. Each corps member will have a personal caseload of students with whom they will work all year. They work tirelessly to ensure the success of their students.

The Match Corps Program is highly selective, with a 6% hire rate. Match Corps members span a wide range of career interests, from medicine and law, to education and policy. Nearly all Match Corps members who apply to graduate school are accepted.

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until June 15, 2013. http://www.matcheducation.org/match-corps

Program Analyst Announcement

Posted by Admin On 10:06:00 AM 0 comments

The Senate Budget & Evaluation Office (SBEO) is looking to hire a Program Analyst to staff one or more Senate Appropriations subcommittees. At this time they are looking specifically for candidates to staff the Public Safety Subcommittee and the General Government Subcommittee.

Analysts will be part of a team-oriented, collaborative environment that focuses on budget-related research, evaluation, and analysis as well as the development of the budget for the State of Georgia. The analyst will report to the Deputy Director of SBEO. All job functions are located at the State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia; the position requires limited in-state travel. The incumbent should expect extended work hours during legislative session.

Additional information about the SBEO can be found at http://www.senate.ga.gov/sbeo

Click on Read More for more information about applying.

Payment Plan for GT Tuition and Fees

Posted by Admin On 9:55:00 AM 0 comments
In an ongoing effort to help students and their families manage the cost of education, Georgia Tech has implemented a plan that allows for payment of tuition and mandatory fees in three separate installments.  Close to 400 students participated in the plan this fall, with each student deferring an average amount of about $4,212.

President G. P. "Bud" Peterson is hopeful that services such as this payment installment plan will be a useful tool to ensure that limited resources do not prevent qualified and capable students from earning a Georgia Tech degree, especially in today's economy.

Enrolling in the payment plan allows students to defer up to 50 percent of their current term tuition and mandatory fee balance remaining after the application of any expected financial aid.   Of the remaining balance, half is due approximately 30 days after classes begin, and the remaining amount is due approximately 60 days into the term. All elective charges — housing, parking and meal plans — must be paid by the standard fee payment deadline.

While the plan is intended to be a convenience, it is not a free service. Students who elect to participate must pay an enrollment fee of $75, which will help offset administrative costs. Those who do not meet the scheduled payments risk penalty fees and/or academic withdrawal from the Institute.  The plan will be available for spring term. The final fee payment deadline to avoid class cancellation and sign up for the payment plan is Jan. 14.

For more information, email bursar.ask@business.gatech.edu or visit: http://www.gatech.edu/newsroom/release.html?nid=161991

Political Issues Education

Posted by Admin On 9:48:00 AM 0 comments
Voters will elect the next president of the United States in just 19 days, and some may be overwhelmed as they prepare to cast an educated vote. Jason Lupuloff, a third-year public policy and industrial engineering major, hopes to ease the process of learning about candidates and issues for other students.  With peers from Tech and other universities, Lupuloff started Why Gen Weekly, a website devoted to educating students about politics.

“It’s for and by college-aged students and is done in a simple way,” said Lupuloff. New content each week is devoted to a specific political issue, with a news section complemented by columns from conservative, liberal and libertarian students. Articles are kept concise because Lupuloff knows students are busy. The site's name comes from the "Generation Y" moniker given to the college-aged demographic and the spirit of inquiry Lupuloff hopes to inspire. 

Students can keep up with Why Gen Weekly as it posts new content each Monday at 5 p.m., as well as on Facebook andTwitterWreck the Vote will gather students for the last presidential debate viewing party on Monday, Oct. 22, at 9 p.m. in the Student Center Theater.

Visit the GT News Room for the whole article: http://gatech.edu/newsroom/release.html?nid=162481

FASET Cabinet 2012-2013 Applications Available!  Find out more about this incredible top-tier leadership experience at Georgia Tech. Attend our information session on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. (Student Services Building, Room 117). The information session will detail the role of FASET Cabinet, the responsibilities and requirements, and offer some insight from past Cabinet members. NO PRIOR FASET experience required! Just excellent leadership skills. There is no other leadership role on campus that operates like this one. Experience a small team environment where everyone carries equal weight, and that weight carries the direction of a program for over 6000 people.

Visit the FASET Orientation Web site (http://www.nssp.gatech.edu/faset) for more information, qualifications, and a link to the application. Applications are due by Monday, October 22, 2012 by 4 p.m. to the Office of New Student & Sophomore Programs (Student Services Building, Suite 141). Contact Bethany Naser (bethany.naser@vpss.gatech.edu) with questions.

Sophomore Week 2012 - Nov 9-16

Posted by Admin On 9:30:00 AM 0 comments
Sophomore Week 2012 is coming up quickly!  It will take place the week of November 9th and last until November 16.  NSSP will be doing some exciting programming for second-year students, including their signature leadership conference Sophomore Summit (Nov. 9-10), the Sophomore Trip (Nov. 11), and other exciting programs.  

Check out the website for the program list and additional information about the event.  http://nssp.gatech.edu/plugins/content/index.php?id=21

Grad School Fair at Emory University

Posted by Admin On 9:18:00 AM 0 comments
Interested in graduate programs in education?  Check out the www.preteaching.gatech.edu to learn more about becoming a teacher in Georgia before attending this event.

The graduate school fair at Emory University will be held on October 24, 2012 at 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.  Meet representatives from universities around the country and learn about graduate programs in health, education, etc

Consider taking the Georgia Tech- Emory shuttle which will drop you off on Emory's campus.  Cox Hall is near the Woodruff Memorial Research Building (where the shuttle drops you off on Woodruff Circle).  Once you get off the shuttle, walk to the right of the Research Building down the driveway. Veer left.  Cox Hall is at the base of the hill (the bottom floor of Cox is the food court).

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) seeks to help enhance internationalization in Japan by promoting mutual understanding between Japan and other nations.  Applications available this month. 

The Peace Corps’ Master’s International Plan combines graduate school and service abroad (can even get a Master of Arts in Teaching and teaching certification through some universities).

Visit the preteaching website for more information: http://www.preteaching.gatech.edu/node/74

Due to some technical issues we have had with the Online Application for Graduation (OAG), we have decided to extend the deadline to complete the OAG without the $50.00 late fee until Friday, October 19, 2012 at 4:00 pm. 

Drew Charter School Fall Fest Fundraiser

Posted by Admin On 11:18:00 AM 0 comments
Drew Charter School is hosting its annual Fall Fest fundraiser on October 20th from 12:00-4:00 p.m.  Drew Charter School would like to have students from Georgia Tech assist. This is a great opportunity to volunteer on a day that brings joy and happiness to kids while also supporting an important school. 
 View http://www.scholastic.com/coolschools/ for the Drew’s iPad band – something cool about this school.

Dawn L. Comeau, PhD, MPH at dcomeau@emory.edu for more information about volunteering.

The Honors Program is offering a new course called “Urban Education: Near Peer Mentoring Immersion” offered: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. This course is open to all students, even if not in the Honors Program.

The Honors Program is offering a new course for Spring 2013 called “Urban Education: Near Peer Mentoring Immersion” offered: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. The course is open to all students during Phase 2 registration, but may offer a few seats at the end of Phase 1 to pre-teaching students who are not Honors Program members.

This course challenges students to examine how race, poverty, gender, and other socioeconomic dynamics have shaped the educational opportunities available in historically segregated and economically distressed urban communities. It further invites students to inquire how these social circumstances have influenced the possibilities that young people from these communities imagine for their futures. The course will focus on two public charter schools in Atlanta’s near Westside communities: Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy for girls and BEST Academy for boys. Through direct service and intentional relationships with high schools, Tech students will seek to help H.S. students:

  1. Prepare for getting into college and being successful there
  2. Value higher education as a means of improving the quality of their lives. 

***If you are not in the Honors Program and are interested in being on the waiting list for this course, please send your name and GT ID# to Susan Belmonte, Pre-Teaching Advisor, sbelmonte@gatech.edu no later than Monday, November 12, 2012. Honors Program students have registration priority. The capacity is 30 students total. All remaining spots will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis to non-Honors Program participants.

Please do not contact the Honors Program or the course professor for special consideration. Individuals who will receive spots will be notified regarding registration permits.


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